When we finish preproduction and move into production, we’ve essentially finished figuring out the bones of the game. We’ve got the outline for what we want to do, and the remaining task is filling in the gaps, putting flesh on the bones, and coloring in the blank spaces. These tasks, large and small, usually require additional help in order to finish. The leadership figures out how much work needs to be done to finish the game out, how much the team as it currently stands can do, and the difference represents how many additional people we will need to hire in order to finish the project.
The specifics determine the kind of roles we need to hire - the cinematics team might need several animators, the quest team might need two narrative designers and a gameplay engineer, the item art team might need a VFX artist and a technical artist, and so on and so forth. The needs of the project determine what kind of roles we need to fill. These requests then get sent up to the executive level for approval - they want to make sure the team isn’t going to break the game’s budget.
Once the openings are established and approved, it’s up to the recruiting team to find candidates to fill the open positions. Usually this is a combination of recruiting events, reaching out to candidates on social media, posting to job boards, crawling LinkedIn networks, hiring external headhunters/staffing agencies, and collecting referrals from current employees. From there, the recruiters collect and vet candidate resumes. The recruiters then set up calls with promising candidates to gauge their interest in potential employment, answer basic questions that the candidate might have, and (assuming that the candidate wishes to proceed) [start the candidate process]. From there, depending on the availability and impressiveness of candidates, we start hiring developers and bringing them up to speed on how the work is done.
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