No. It takes months to develop, market, and push content live. Blizzard is constantly releasing news because they run multiple live-service games that each need a steady feed of new announcements to keep the player base interested and engaged. This means that we are, at most, a few weeks away from a new announcement of any kind. The reason there’s so much inclusivity content in their announcements is because many of the Blizzard developers themselves actually care a great deal about inclusivity.
The people who are most upset at Blizzard as an institution are not actually the gamers, they’re the developers - the people who are participating in those lawsuits you mentioned. The gamers are mostly tangential to all this - they might get some recreational outrage out of it, but I doubt the gamers could name any of the developers or perpetrators of bad conduct in question. The pro-inclusivity content and the sentiment surrounding the lawsuits are for completely different groups of people.
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