It generally depends on how much we're willing to spend. We will often post jobs to VO hiring boards such as Bodalgo, VOPlanet, or Backstage. Those with smaller budgets often go through sites like Fiverr or Craigslist to find local help. Also, there's always word-of-mouth, referrals from friends, or even using the devs themselves to do the voice acting. If there's a voice actor in particular that we like, we can also approach them through their business contact methods that they post to their websites or in their reels/CVs. If you're seriously interested in being a voice actor, make a voiceover reel to show your range and specialties and consider getting on one or more of those casting sites. Some sites like VOPlanet and Bodalgo will require payment to set up an account. If you're looking for experience, consider doing some voice work just for the experience at Casting Call Club.
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