How do pro consoles affect what happens to developing games if any, considering you have to make a game that also has to work on the less powerful console.

We typically have a "target" platform that we're primarily aiming at. That's what gets the majority of the work, that's what we build our stuff on. That might be the PS5, the PC, or whatever. Our target platform is typically the platform we believe will make up the largest percentage of our player base. We make all of our stuff work on that platform first and foremost. Then, we have our artists and engineers do extras and optimization (depending on the budget) for the other platforms. Most of the time that means paring things down for weaker platforms like the Switch or min-spec PCs, but it also means adding in the extra visual bells and whistles for the enthusiast PC with beefier specs and/or the Pro version of game consoles. The general priorities are, in order:

  1. Make it work
  2. Make it fast
  3. Make it pretty

You can probably guess where work for the "pro" consoles fall in the priority list.

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