You shouldn't email developers directly unless they've explicitly told you to do so. Game devs (especially AAA devs) aren't interchangeable and we don't all work on the same thing, have the same expertise, or even work within the same team. For example, on an enormous game like Call of Duty, there are many hundreds of developers working on it at any given time. They're split up among many different groups - single player campaign, multiplayer, zombies, UI, online back end support, build, tools, and so on. Emailing a dev who works on Call of Duty to give feedback about the zombies mode, for example, would be a literal gamble because they may not even work at the same studio, let alone on the zombies mode. Imagine sending game feedback about a particular item or game mode you dislike to the dev who works on the online store payment processing. What could she do about your feedback? Realistically, she'd just ignore it since she has other tasks to do than figure out which team it should go to and pass it on to someone from that team.

Honestly, the best way to get the feedback to the right people is to go through the proper channels, even though it doesn't feel like it. Most teams have community managers whose job it is to read player feedback and pass it on to the appropriate developers. I know it can be frustrating and feel like "cutting in line" would help, but it really just disappears into the ether 9 times out of 10. I'll also point out that it is highly unlikely to get a meaningful response on this either, because we can't make promises about future content since it's always in flux and because we're often [working 2-3 patches (i.e. 6-9 months) in the future], so any changes to the game likely won't arrive until at least the patches that we're working on ship.
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