Все записи unity

Under what umbrella does a camera for a 3D game tend to fall? That is, is it more of a game design concern, art direction concern, or engineering?

It’s primarily a feature handled by game design and engineering. The designers figure out how the camera needs to behave for the intended player experience and then the engineers figure out how to translate those behavior rules into code.Let’s say that…

Thoughts on the Concord situation? Sony just announced refunds at that the game is getting delisted. What do you think went wrong?

I think that the core issue with Concord was just that it doesn’t do enough to stand out from its competitors like Overwatch, Valorant, R6 Siege, or Apex Legends. I can briefly comment on the purported eight year dev cycle — no game really has a real d…

I often hear gamedev cited as something that is tough to do with a remote team. Do you have any advice for doing remote development in a gamedev context?

Gamedev is tough to do in general, but it’s generally more difficult to do in a remote setting because humans are accustomed to being social in a certain way. Online communications is often bottlenecked in ways we aren’t immediately cognizant of. After…

For whenever you get back: how often do game devs go travel for meetings? I imagine executive decision makers do it frequently and trench level devs almost never do it.

You’re generally right. It’s expensive to have people traveling, so they usually reserve it for the executive and studio head levels. Those folks do the bulk of the traveling since they’re the ones who need to meet with people from multiple studios — u…